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Customized Communication

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  • Employees may self-schedule with a benefits counselor via scheduling app
  • Pre-enrollment marketing campaign engages employees through each step of the enrollment process
  • Call center and screen share enrollment options

Employee Communication

  • One-on-one consultation with credentialed benefits counselors extensively trained on all benefit offering
  • Voicemail drops
  • Text, email, and push notifications
  • Digital storage of benefits documents

New Hire Onboarding

Dedicated, credentialed benefits counselors available to onboard and enroll new hires throughout the year

Voicemail Drops

Launch open enrollment with a personal message directly from the employer delivered right to the employees’ phone. This is not a robocall. Our voicemail drop technology leaves a message on each employee’s phone. This communication helps to create the roadmap for what employees should expect for communication throughout enrollment. 

Texting Communication

In today’s virtual world, text messages are the most effective way of getting information to employees. Text messaging campaigns have a 98% open rate, which makes them highly effective in ensuring that employees are engaged and informed throughout the process. We will use text messages to deliver important information about open enrollment, help employees register for an appointment, and send custom videos highlighting their benefits. 

Self-Scheduling Tools

Employees are able schedule a time to speak with a benefits counselor at their convenience. Our dedicated team of credentialed benefits counselors is available to speak with employees outside of the workday, so they can include their spouse, partner, or another decision-maker when reviewing their benefits.